Barbie Layton »Barbie was nominated for the inaugural Tony Hsieh Award in 2020 and is a member of Keith Ferrazzi’s Founder’s Group. She will be in Dr. John DeMartini’s “Breakthrough” documentary in 2022 and will be speaking in person in Miami in September at “The Love Event.” She has been featured in USA Today as one of the Top 10 Female Conscious Leaders to Watch in 2022, as well as in Big Time Daily, Hollywood Digest, The Entrepreneur Magazine, So Influential, and other magazines. Barbie is also a leader in Ken Honda’s Arigato Community, a Los Angeles Tribune VIP Mastermind group member, and a recent graduate of Vishen Lakhiani’s exclusive MindValley Premium Coaching. She is a published author on multiple platforms and co-founder of The Infinity Life, which helps people clear their core wounds over eight weeks and become trainers. She was recently designated a Los Angeles Tribune Magazine writer.
Further, Barbie is a super-connector, working with charities and NGOs like Targeted to tackle the world’s biggest problems and find solutions by being a heart-centered, conscious entrepreneur. She was featured on the “Ignite Your Essence” TV show for the Los Angeles Tribune TV network, the “MindValley Heroes” show, the Ignite Summit from Canada, which will be forthcoming in LiT Magazine Worldwide, and other podcasts and TV appearances. She will be a speaker on the upcoming Think and Grow Rich World Tour, sponsored by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Barbie is affiliated with She Trades and partnered with the United Nations for the “Women Gone Wild” series. Stay tuned for great things to come!
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