Booking Engagements

Barbie Layton » Booking Engagements
Barbie offers a range of engagements, including speaking, coaching, energetic clearings, and more. Contact us today to book Barbie for your next event.

Speaking Engagements

Barbie is a captivating and engaging speaker who can inspire and motivate your audience on various topics. From topics ranging from leadership and personal development to spirituality and consciousness, Barbie’s talks are always thought-provoking and insightful.

Life Flow Coaching

Whether you’re looking to achieve personal growth or help your team reach their full potential, Barbie offers life flow coaching to help you unlock your full potential. Barbie’s coaching helps individuals and teams overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and live their best lives.

Quantum Clearings/Coaching

Barbie is also an energetic clearing and coaching expert. She strives to help individuals and teams release negative energy and blockages. Through coaching and energy work, Barbie can help you find balance, clarity, and purpose in your life and work.

Authoring Articles

Barbie is an accomplished writer and author with articles published in various publications. If you’re looking for thought-provoking, inspiring, and informative content, Barbie can help.

TV Appearances

Barbie is also available for TV appearances as a guest expert on a talk show or as a commentator on a news program. With her charisma and engaging personality, Barbie is a natural in front of the camera and can help you channel your message to a wider audience.